Bird’s dream

8:00 | 2024


Bird's Dream is a musical exploration of the intricate dialogue between our thoughts, memories, and surroundings. Inspired by the ethereal and ever-shifting nature of human consciousness, this piece for solo Metis violin, viola and electronic delves into the realms of introspection and nostalgia.

As the title suggests, Bird's Dream conjures imagery of flight, freedom, and the vast expanse of the sky. The instruments serve as the voice through which the listener embarks on a journey of self-discovery, weaving through melodic phrases that echo the fluttering of wings and the gentle sway of branches in the wind. The music unfolds like a dream, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. Moments of tranquility are juxtaposed with subtil bursts of energy, mirroring the ebb and flow of our thoughts as they meander through the landscape of memory. Fragments of melodies intertwine and evolve, reflecting the interconnectedness of our experiences and the profound impact they have on our perception of the world. The music invites the performer to delve deep into the emotional core of the piece, breathing life into each note with sensitivity and nuance.

As the final, strains fade into the distance, one is left with a sense of wonder and contemplation. Like a bird soaring through the vast expanse of the sky, the music invites us to embrace the beauty of our innermost thoughts and the memories that shape our journey through life.

Violon métis et alto : Alyssa Delbaere-Sawchuk

Commisionned by New Music Concerts.